Most management system standards require the establishment of an internal auditing program to verify that the management system meets the requirements of the applicable standards AND is effectively implemented and maintained.
Outsourcing your internal auditing to a QAS International ISO Consultant provides independence, objectivity and eliminates the requirement for employee training and diversion from normal job activities – both which cost time and money. Our Certified Auditors provide experience, professionalism, and the high level of diplomacy required to facilitate effective internal audits.
Your business will receive highly objective and impartial audits that will add real value to your ISO management system.
Management system standards that can be internally audited include:
Receive highly objective and impartial audits that will add real value to your management system,
Reduced requirements for internal auditor training and logistical costs,
Allow your employees to focus on their core jobs,
Avoid internal political issues that may arise due to internal departments cross-auditing,
Meet the requirements of management system standards,
Ensure your management system is effectively implemented,
Identify opportunities for improvement, and
Reduced non-conformance findings from certification bodies.
Internal Audit Stages
Documentation review
Tour of your operations
Employee interviews
Worksite observation
Assessment of conformance against the clauses of the audited standard,
Identification of Satisfactory items, Nonconformances, Areas of Concern and Improvement Recommendations,
Recommendations of suggested corrective actions as applicable, and
Issue of the final Internal Audit report
Contact Us Today
If you’d like more information, or to request a Quick Quote please use the form to the right and one of our ISO Consultants will contact you within one business day. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us directly on 1800 676 910 or by emailing
We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have.